
These additional properties are not specified by the OpenAPI or the AsyncAPI specifications but can help you customize your documentation content. All those properties start with the x- naming convention to be identified as “eXternal” from the OpenAPI or AsyncAPI specification.

Add topics to your documentation (x-topics) #

This vendor-specific property we created helps to add more context paragraphs in your generated documentation. Find out more in our dedicated section.

Custom code sample examples (x-codeSamples) #

This vendor extension is only available for OpenAPI documents for now

We added a custom property, not supported by OpenAPI, so you can add your own code samples in one or more programming languages to your documentation. Find out more in our dedicated section.

Expose your beta features (x-beta) #

This custom property allows you to identify some components of your documentation as beta. Find out more in our dedicated section.

This custom property allows you to add a button to your documentation that enables you to collect feedback from your users. Find out more in our dedicated section.